Meenal Sachdev has over 20 years’ experience, tackling issues such as modern slavery, violence against women and girls (VAWG) and working with communities across Hertfordshire to address rising concerns around anti-social behaviour and fear of crime.
Elected as the first female Indian Councillor in Hertsmere in 2015, she has won a seat at three local elections and served as a Cabinet Member for Economic Development as well as Community, Leisure, Culture and Health. Meenal is currently a Policy Advisor to the current Hertfordshire Police & Crime Commissioner, advising on issues of fairness in the criminal justice system and domestic violence.
As a local councillor and working alongside the Police & Crime Commissioner, Meenal established the Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership in 2017. The Partnership brought together more than 150 agencies from across the county to tackle hidden forms of slavery on our own doorsteps. This work was endorsed by Prime Minister Theresa May and delivered a targeted local response to uncovering incidences of modern slavery, supporting survivors and prevent it from happening again.
Away from politics, Meenal is a Strategic Advisor to a London Hotel group on Purpose and Sustainability - helping them build an effective platform to engage with local communities and address environmental issues. She co-founded Connect India in 2004, a youth leadership organisation which she directed for more than 10 years. In 2012, she co-founded the Shiva Foundation which works to prevent human trafficking and modern slavery where she has led on ground-breaking work and created models to fight this crime within the hospitality sector across the world and government.
Meenal lives with her husband Rishi and two young boys in Hertsmere.